Rejuvenation as a Creative Entrepreneur

Rejuvenation as a Creative Entrepreneur

Rejuvenation as a creative entrepreneur is SOOO important! And this creative entrepreneur needed a break! You might have read my blog last week about how burned out and overwhelmed I was feeling. And the one thing I know work is to play hooky! So last week my husband and I took a drive up to Napa. Napa is one of my favorite places and we can easily get there in about 45 minutes.

Actually part of what I love about living in the San Francisco Bay area is how quickly we can be to many creative and cool things to do. For me though once I enter Napa, I feel like I’ve gone back to an old country that I have grown to love and its energy just engulfs me. I find myself taking a big sigh and releasing so much that has pent-up up when we get there.

This time we drove straight to breakfast, and then Chandon Napa. Chandon is a champagne institution in France yet the US sparkling wine is made in Yountville. Originally when you walk to this property it might feel kind of corporate, LOL, but once you get into the tasting room it’s a pleasant escape. They have great bubbles to taste, amazing still wines that we actually love, and an opportunity to just buy a glass and relax. They even have a yummy little snacks and samples if you need a bite while you’re there. And actually in December we had dinner at their three Michelin star restaurant! Wow that was awesome.
We have been members at Chandon for 2.5, almost 3 years (June 19th…I remember because it was a very special vacation for us!). We love the staff, and how they treat us.

creative entrepreneur, chandon napa

At Chandon Napa enjoying bubbles!

Just sitting there with my husband talking about non-work work related items, and enjoying a glass of bubbles completely allowed me to rejuvenate as a creative entrepreneur! I felt refreshed and alive and ready to go. And immediately wrote three blogs the next day! (Love when I can get them scheduled out!)

Now I feel like I can focus again on the next level of things that I KNOW I need to do; I just needed my creative entrepreneur energy back to achieve them. What do you do when the creative entrepreneur in you is burned out to rejuvenate?

Rejuvenation as a Creative Entrepreneur

Being a Creative Entrepreneur and Burnout

creative entrepreneurI am in one of those weird places as a creative entrepreneur that I actually think is quite normal to go through, yet so many of us when it happens think there’s something wrong. I have had tremendous clarity in terms of who I serve and what I do and the greater purpose of my calling here in the last six months to year. And with that clarity has come an intense amount of work!

I have:

  • Completely updated my automated system to better serve me and my customers and potential customers.
  • Implemented a course program that in my head I’ve been teaching for years but never organized it in a way that made sense.
  • Gained new clarity on price points and commitment from clients from true price points and earning what I deserve.
  • Put in new marketing and sales strategies in place to fully leverage what I do.
  • Began the branding clarity to the next level with writing blogs twice a week.

And WOW! I still have so much more to do! As a creative entrepreneur I have that overwhelming feeling right now, and although I KNOW what needs to be done, the creative energy seems sucked out of me.
What I’m feeling is the desire to hibernate. And I actually don’t think that’s a bad thing as long as I don’t do it for too long! Sometimes as a creative entrepreneur we need to back away from all the things we are working on to actually be more affective at them.

I am going to take a mini break and allow my fun and creativity just play. Nothing work related. I know, some would argue getting a chapter in my book done is creative! I just need to go on an adventure, or dig in the dirt in my garden.

What do you do as a creative entrepreneur when you are feeling overwhelmed?

Rejuvenation as a Creative Entrepreneur

Scarcity mode and a warrior business woman

warrior business womanA letter of encouragement to you, a powerful warrior business woman.

I know how difficult it is to start a business. I know how difficult it is to keep one going. I see the fight you have every day of wanting to do more and that the same time struggling to make ends meet. I feel your challenges and triumphs, your celebrations when things go well.

And I know about the dark days, warrior business woman. I know about the days when scarcity is so overwhelming you can no longer see possibility. Those days are the hardest. Because they can often cycle into a whole mindset, a way of believing that keeps you in the struggle of running your business, versus thriving and having a powerful business. Scarcity can overwhelm us to the place where we no longer SEE possibility. And that is when it is most dangerous.

And then we scramble in scarcity mode and that is a deadly cycle…


I recently had a woman wanting to work with me in this mode. Even when I tried to get “possibility thinking” going she struggled. All she could see is that she had to put food on the table. She couldn’t see the visibility, network and influence she could introduce me to in order to create win/win.

What do you do to get out of scarcity mode? The first thing is you have to know that your self-worth is limitless. And secondly you have to know that your unlimited space and potential is even greater. Know that in your heart soul and mind as you work to make your business visible and financially successful.

What else do you need to do? You have to see opportunity everywhere and know that you have resources and connections and relationships that if you approach it correctly you can often get what you want and need to make the success you desire. Last, and this is the hardest…LEAP. In the core of your SOUL warrior you know what needs to be done. LEAP.

Dear amazing warrior business woman, know that if you work in collaboration with people,  not those who are your competitors, in the true spirit of collaboration and see the potential in the opportunity that you can provide you can often get what you need to move into abundance.

Rejuvenation as a Creative Entrepreneur

Pain in My Back has Made Me Feel Sorry for Myself

backToday the pain in my back has made me feel sorry for myself! I know you probably cannot imagine that woman like me is talking about that, (or whining about that!) but running errands today sitting in my car I’m in so much chronic pain and have been for so long I just needed to cry. I’m tired, and worn out, by the constant, physical pain.

Of course I try to be optimistic, and do all the things I’m told to do to help it heal. (I have herniation’s at L4, L5 and S1 if you were wondering)I have moments where I think it’s getting better and then I’d lapse right back into incredible pain. Everything is uncomfortable. Sitting is painful, lying down is uncomfortable, standing is uncomfortable, exercise? Well, I probably don’t need to go there.

My back pain is making me feel sorry for myself because I want my active, full life back. I want to work out with my husband, go for long walks…hell even clean my house without pain. I have been dealing with this heavy chronic pain for year and a half now.

Not that I will ever do it, but I said to my sister this past weekend that I finally understand why people take such serious pain medications. I just want the pain to go away! And nothing in terms of natural healing is working. Now, granted, I have been told that if I want to heal I need to lie down on the floor, not my bed, too soft, and STAY STILL as much as possible. And IF I get up, don’t bend forward.

Ok, have you ever brushed your teeth, or gone to the bathroom? Think about that request…don’t bend…

Yes, the pain in my back has made me feel sorry for myself. So I had my private pity party…maybe I just needed to share too. This kind of physical pain makes it hard to work too. I’ll move on and be a Warrior again…promise.