by Ann Evanston | Aug 18, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts, Self-worth
My entire career has been about sharing stories as well as teaching others to share their own stories. It’s in drawing out stories, as well as listening to stories. Even more so, it’s been about teaching people how to change stories from their past so that their life is more of what they wanted to be.
I am always searching in my own life for stories that I need to rewrite and change. For example, last year I rewrote a story of being bullied as a teenager by a group of girls several years older than me. I realized that story had become a belief system for me (what I call a “truth”) where women were untrustworthy, mean, would lie to you, and stab you in the back.
When you have stories like that, and they become your truth you live under that belief system. You will continue to fulfill the prophecy and attract that to you, over and over.
And I did with women. Over and over they proved my belief right. Until I rewrote the story.
🏼Do you have a story about being broke?
🏼What about distrusting men?
🏼Or maybe about being smart or pretty?
There is another part of uncovering your stories and that’s the positive side. We have stories that become our truths which lead to our purpose while we’re here. I recently uncovered what happened to make why storytelling so important for me.
[Tweet “Always believe that your story matters. It can inspire and heal others!”]
Knowing that drives me even further to continue my work, and motivates me to share more about stories. It excites me to see the alignment. It is why I am so passionate about the Unscripted eBook series, and having your stories. Email me to learn more.
Oh, you want to know my story to find my path? Maybe another post! LOL
by Ann Evanston | Aug 8, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts
How often do you ask yourself: “what do I believe?” Do you tend to take for granted that you know what you believe? Are you running under an assumption that your values and beliefs systems are heightened in everything that you do?
I think that when we don’t consciously connect with what we believe we can fall into traps, or unhealthy patterns, or bad habits, and hidden beliefs. For example,
🏼If you wake up extremely tired after a bad night sleep, do you ask yourself: “what do I believe about my situation right now?”
🏼If you need to start a new project do you ask yourself: “what do I believe about achieving my result?”
🏼If you’re having some troubles in your relationship, Do you ask yourself: “What do I believe that will create success with the person I love?”
I could give more examples, the point is you have to connect energetically to what you really want. If they are negative, rethink to positive, connect to your values, change the negative thinking. What do you believe? Right now? About what you are planning? Without that conscious connection your subconscious mind, and all habitual patterns of behavior will continue, and you will get what you’ve always got.
So several times a day, pause, ask: “What is my goal or intention right now?”
[Tweet “Consciously connect by asking several times a day: “what are my beliefs in this moment.””]
by Ann Evanston | Jul 18, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts
The Mindset of Yes can seem like a simple one. Most people though, have the mindset of “curious.” There is a distinct difference between the two.
When you have the Mindset of Yes you are always open to possibilities, opportunities, ideas. You are interested in new relationships. You ask, “how can I help?” You trust first. With the Mindset of Yes, you continue to engage in a process encouraging all of those things.
You might be thinking: “Well Ann, I have that mindset. What’s the difference between curious and yes then?”
When yes people have made the decision that it’s actually a no, they communicate that no with grace and integrity. The Mindset of Yes means that you understand how important when you decided no it is to communicate it.
[Tweet “The Mindset of Yes means you know why communicating a no, when it’s a no, is important.”]
People who have the mindset of curious just disappear.
by Ann Evanston | Jul 16, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts
Years ago I used to travel the country and teach a one day seminar on: “stress management for women.” Hundreds of women would fill the room, wanting to learn about how to manage stress. I remember one of the concepts in the book being about work/life balance.
That phrase always haunted me because somehow that means that work isn’t part of life, or vice versa, LOL! I would tell ladies, as I do in my work, that we have to shift our mindset and just think about it as life balance. Work is a part of your life. Your relationships are part of your life. Health, exercise, sleep… are all parts of life that we have to “balance.”
So then, the next question becomes: “is there really a way to balance it all?” I say no! Why? Because there is no such thing as life balance!
[Tweet “Finding balance is about feeling engaged while you do what you need to do.”]
At times, somethings in our life are going to require more attention then other things. It’s about how we give the quality of time that we need in different parts of our life. It’s about how we FEEL engaged and connected while we’re doing it.
I love teaching that to women!
Have you been able to do that as things shift and demands shift in your life?
by Ann Evanston | Jul 11, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts
Can you be too helpful?
On a recent call with a client we were discussing her earnings and where she struggles. Interestingly she runs a very popular quarterly boot camp that many people come too. In my mind it is an excellent moneymaker
At one point in the conversation she said: “yeah, even the committee for the boot camp says it’s time we start attracting people who can afford to really pay for what we do. I keep hanging around these entrepreneurs that will spend money on really stupid shit but when it comes to their businesses they won’t spend any money, they want it all for free. But I love helping people so I let them come.”
[Tweet “It is possible to be too helpful as an entrepreneur and you end up giving it all away for free.”]
Do you have the mindset of “be really helpful to your customers”? Fabulous! And are you able to set good boundaries around what they pay for and the value of your time? Or are you really just giving it all away for very little to no money?
And then you’re wondering why you have all these raving fans and no money. Then you wonder why who they refer is the same way… If they refer.
This is what I call the mindset of too helpful.
by Ann Evanston | Jul 8, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts, Relationship
I once heard a very simple statement that made perfect sense: “You have to leave yourself to become better than yourself.”
I think many of us would agree, and it’s the easy part to decide and move on from yourself. The hard part, getting everyone who knows then”old” you to support the new you.
Because even though the better you is a win for everyone, they KNOW the old you….how she acts and reacts. Changing means they have to change too.
[Tweet “When you change for the better others have to change.”]
So I have realized that I have to be willing to move on from relationships that don’t actively support my best self. That takes strength. Courage. And conviction.