by Ann Evanston | May 15, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts, Self-worth
I often find that more of us are afraid of success over failure. Come on, face it! We fail every day! You say you will exercise today…you don’t. Or finish that project….you don’t. The list goes on and on! We fail and then we get up the next day, put those big girl boots on and try again. We fail at big things and little things… All. The. Time. We aren’t afraid. It’s part of life.
Fear of success is more common.
With success comes things that scare us.
🏼Like being SEEN.
🏼Like people who DISAGREE.
🏼Like not being LIKED.
🏼Like those NAYSAYERS
[Tweet “We often fear success because of the things that come with it.”]
If you stay safe, where you are:
SEEN but not really;
In DISAGREEMENT but still consensus;
With LIKE minded people all the time….
You will struggle to have the success you desire in your life, love, career. Success means understanding those risks. If you have succeeded you know it’s worth it.
by Ann Evanston | May 2, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts
There’s a time in every person’s life when they need to indulge in being strong. Strong is an interesting word because we start with the personal association to it. I have been indulging in strong when it comes to my physical power.
Personally, I have realized I am mentally and emotionally stronger when I am physically strong. Physically strong creates moments when I realize that my body can do things that I didn’t believe I could. Suddenly my mind is ready to get on board. My heart is filled with excitement for what’s happening next. My desire is stronger.
Due to an extreme back injury I stopped challenging myself physically. (I am going to write about a mindset that turned into a truth in my life later that is related.) I realized that it was time to change that.
Honestly, I just made up my mind.
I got back into the gym. I got back into the gym after having a physical therapist tell me I have extreme muscle deterioration. I have a way of managing my pain that is working for me tremendously. So now I am back in the gym four days a week about 35 to 45 minutes, doing high-intensity, low impact workouts.
Today one of my eight minute high-intensity rounds was push presses. I was able to do 100 push presses with 12 pound weights and not die! LOL.
Let me be clear, I’m not doing this because I want to drop a dress size. I am doing this to be strong. To know what I have in me, and to challenge what I think and know that I can do more. “To be a 10, raise the bar, and be a 10 again.” Oh of course if I fit better in my jeans I’ll be happy to. But that’s a reward.
I find I am more focused, happier, and energized…outcomes of the mindset of strong.
[Tweet “Do you have the mindset of strong”]?
by Ann Evanston | Apr 15, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts
Rejection. It can consume us. Eat us alive. Rejection is the worst nightmare to live in. It creates a fear …the fear of being YOU.
So what happens if someone disagrees with you?
So what happens if someone disapproves of a life choice you make?
So what happens if someone doesn’t like you?
So what happens if someone leaves you?
[Tweet “You are the only someone that matters.”]
Think about…someone. Because you are the only someone that matters. You have to sleep with you every night. Don’t reject yourself. That is the ultimate rejection. That starts the cycle of low self-worth.
by Ann Evanston | Apr 12, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts
When I was a teen in the 80’s I remember going to the fair and getting a “graffiti” picture done that said “Awesome Ann” – it was above my bed for years! Then, in the 90’s, the word awesome become “uncool”.
I can even recall leading a seminar and saying things like “awesome question,” or “awesome answer.”
[Tweet “Awesome is something we should all feel, in life, relationships, work, bed….”]
Someone wrote on the evaluation that I used that “stupid” word too much.
Well that’s just fucking awesome. ( yeah, I use that word too much too!)
Awesome is something we should all feel, in life, relationships, work, bed….
Take back awesome!
by Ann Evanston | Apr 11, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts
Good enough is an important mindset. Good enough isn’t a mindset about mediocrity.
Good enough is a mindset that allows you to leap and take the next flight on your journey to success.
When you think it needs to be excellent, or even worse, perfect you will stop yourself from putting out there what you need to. So look at something you’re trying to achieve. Is it good enough? Can you put it out there and keep flying to the next level of success?
[Tweet “Can you put it out there and keep flying to the next level of success?”]
by Ann Evanston | Sep 20, 2016 | Business Strategy, Mental Mind Shifts, Warrior Spirit
Is it possible to overcome writers block in just these simple steps! I have been discussing The Warriors Method™ and how to use it to overcome writers block. In this last article let’s talk about the third step: take new authentic action.
You might be thinking: “Action, really Ann? I take action all the time!”
See, there is a distinct difference between action and being “busy”. And this is key to being able to achieve things that you desire. Action is a discipline that is directed energetically towards achieving what needs to be done. Be car
eful of busy!
Action actually requires courage because you have to be able to put your ego, comfort zone, and routine in danger! True courage is the ability to do something despite what your “blabber brain” says. True courage is the ability to get into the habit of taking action even when you don’t want to. True courage is the ability to do it even when you feel fear.
[Tweet “Action, true disciplined action towards a goal, actually creates motivation and passion!”]
It allows you to emerge with greater confidence. Too many think you need motivation first. No, it’s the other way around.
So in The Warriors Method™ the step taking “new authentic action” requires that you act with persistence and deliberation. There are three ways I encourage my clients to start:
1. Implement an “action plan” that creates some discomfort.
See pain is good, if not permanent! We get better, stronger, and more confident in our abilities the more uncomfortable we get. This is powerful when you are so stuck in simply cannot get out of it. Do you have a morning routine that is not serving your ability to write more? Than stop having that coffee until you write for 20-30 minutes! Now that’s uncomfortable!
2. Act before doing something you love.
This one powerfully and simply changed one clients blogging forever. She would continuously say: “I have nothing to write about.” Her blabber brain was not allowing her to overcome writers block. She’s a creative who LOVES to paint. So what did she do? Wrote every day BEFORE she could paint. Painting became the reward. Now she writes amazing blog posts for her tribe!
3. Take action before doing any more research!
Many, many entrepreneurs I meet are research junkies. Rightfully so. In many ways you have to love to learn new things to be successful as an entrepreneur.
Too often we think we need to read one more article, or take one more webinar before we initiate the action.
This routine will help you change that. Tell yourself “I cannot read any more about overcoming writers block until I have written something today.”
“The Warriors Method™ is a simple powerful tool to help you achieve greater success in many areas of your life, including when you need to overcome writers block. Interestingly, I used this method to not just write this series of 4 blogs, but my contributor article as well! NICE! (Time for a glass of wine…something I love!