by Ann Evanston | Sep 13, 2016 | Business Strategy, Mental Mind Shifts, Warrior Spirit
I have been writing about how to overcome writers block using the Warriors Method™. The Warriors Method™ is a new way to look at achieving greater levels of success. While sharing how to overcome writers block and these steps, I’ve missed a couple weeks posting my blog. (Truth) Notice I practiced step one there! This article though is about step two of the Warriors Method™ and how it applies to overcome writers block.
The second step in the method is to practice conscious auto suggestion. Here is our reality: we all have a “blabber brain”, what some call monkey mind. Research shows that it’s trained to think in the negative from early on in our lives. And, by the time we’re well over our 30s (congratulations to you reading that are under 30, you can still change this!), it’s difficult to change subconscious mind thoughts. That means we have to override it consciously. The subconscious mind is ALWAYS talking….even if you are not listening. And it is powerful enough to set energy, and ability to achieve, or better yet, not achieve, that which you desire.
Your conscious mind is the ONLY way to shift that. Step two: conscious auto suggestion.
When I work with clients I teach them that they must become “conscious conduits of energy”. The Warriors Method™ can be used in all areas of your life, overcoming writers block is just an example that happened to me. You may recall from the first post I am now a contributing writer to Small Business Marketing Tools. And as soon as I was accepted, blabber brain kicked in!
Practicing conscious auto suggestion is a way of overriding the habit of your subconscious mind. It is a methodology that successful people use to consciously move energy in a positive direction. So instead of listening to my blabber brain say: “OMG, I have nothing to write about what the hell was I thinking?!”, I made a conscious shift.
I said to myself: “I am full of valuable ideas and content to offer many people. I have a unique style, and my approach will attract readers. I am full of ease and fun ideas on marketing. I am writing with grace and ease.”
I want you to notice the type of language I’m using there. The language isn’t about what I will do it’s about who I will be. That is a distinct difference in owning and changing so that you can overcome challenges you have. It’s the difference between will and have (or want). I will save that for another time.
by Ann Evanston | Aug 26, 2015 | Business Strategy, Mental Mind Shifts
Last week, I shared a simple awareness that most people have a fear of success. I even recalled the journey about myself, which I had to change to have the success I really wanted. See, we get what we DESERVE, NOT what we want.
[Tweet “We get what we DESERVE, NOT what we want.”]
And what we deserve is really how we believe, deep inside our hearts. As a small business owner, I see many of my clients do these things to self-sabotage success. Do you recognize yourself in any of them? As you read this checklist, take a moment to really LISTEN with your heart, and answer with a yes, if you do these things.
1. You know you need to do some blogging…but you just don’t feel like writing today.
2. You decide it’s time to charge more for what you do, but when asked “how much” you seem to say less than you agreed with yourself to charge.
3. You try to be everything to everybody, because you don’t want to exclude anyone.
4. You constantly ask other people what they think…of your logo, your product, your copy, your price, your title…and are overwhelmed by their opinions.
5. You share what you think online, and someone disagrees, and you silently overthink what you said and why it might be the wrong thing.
6. You are inconsistent: in showing up, in follow through, in marketing, in networking, with leads and customers.
7. You have a MILLION great ideas, but struggle with implementing and monetizing them.
8. You take an AMAZING class and are motived to do different…yet one week later you are back to your “old self”.
9. You have trouble owning your expertise, so you are continuously taking classes to learn more.
10. You finally decide and put out to the world “this is what the hell I sell” and everything you see online is EXACTLY that…you step into self-doubt.
11. You have some success, people start buying and you find yourself worrying, wondering, even having unsettled energy, although you’re not sure why.
12. You are EXCELLENT at implementing what your coach tells you, but you are so busy doing, you can’t BE for those that need you, even personally.
13. You have deep exciting highs and then weird lows in your business.
14. You know you need to implement systems within technology that will make your business run, yet every time you try…it’s just too overwhelming.
15. You are challenged by stepping fully into your heart, to write, speak, and most importantly decide.
Yes, I guess I could go on and on. This, though, is why “Vision of Self” is the first of the 5 Elements of a Bad-Assery Business™. I look at my clients and many have at least three of those above, most many more. I love that we change this so HOW happens, and money flows! And if you have at least three, there is a tiny part of you, deep, deep inside, that somewhere silently questions:
“Do you deserve that? No, do you? Really? What makes you think you do?”
You have to start by answering that tiny, tiny voice. That whisper. Heck, you need to have a conversation with it! Out loud!
by Ann Evanston | Aug 19, 2015 | Mental Mind Shifts
Fear of Success. Yep. That’s it. Many if not ALL people I work with…and many that are afraid to work with me because I fix this factor….they are afraid of SUCCESS! Let me explain and create some awareness.
One of the 5 Essential Elements of a Bad-Assery Business™, that I focus energy on with my clients, is Vision of Self. It’s been so powerful to watch my psychology background play a critical part in what I do with small business owners and entrepreneurs!
See, your ability to grow your business has LITTLE to do with HOW. You can learn HOW everywhere. Heck, just Google How to….set up XYZ…wa-lah! You can take a million classes about HOW. It’s NOT the problem. Eighteen years coaching and speaking about self-worth and success, it’s about you and your beliefs. (Or as I say in my book: The Influence Factor, it’s about these stories you have created that have become TRUTHS for you)
Fear of success comes from a deep sense of self-worth that one doesn’t deserve it. Doesn’t deserve the accolades, the money, the visibility, the praise, the recognition as an expert…
Oh I know, when in your HEAD you might be thinking: “But Ann, I do deserve it…what are you talking about?”
What does your heart say? Really listen to your heart, deep inside your soul. Get out of your head to grow.
[Tweet “Get out of your head to grow.”]
When you don’t think you deserve it, you do little things to self-sabotage the success. I know, I once was so “in my head” I thought I did deserve success, but when I listened to my heart, and really looked through my heart at my actions, I realized I REALLY did not believe I deserved it.
It was back in high-school for me, I am lucky to have done the work to change it in my early 20’s. In high-school, many people would describe me as a top performer, a super achiever, a winner. But I can now see the truth. I had this tiny voice that believed I didn’t deserve success. So I self-sabotaged.:
- I’d forget the dance routine in swing choir.
- I’d only get a B on a test I could have aced.
- I’d start a fight with a friend that could have brought me into influential networks.
I could go on…but see what I was doing?
I truly did not believe I deserved success. Do you believe you deserve it? Next week I will share with you a powerful checklist for you to review if you may have the fear of success.
Now I include “Vision of Self” as part of the 5 Elements of a Bad- Assery Business™. In college I actually developed my own self-esteem program, and for internship implemented it with college students and a group of 30 women in a tech company in Seattle. I love sharing that work now, and watching my clients SOAR!
by Ann Evanston | Aug 12, 2015 | Business Strategy, Mental Mind Shifts
Desire is so incredibly important to have success. I find that many entrepreneurs think they have it. But do you? Really? In a previous blog on Obtaining Strong Desire I shared important insight into what desire really is. I also promised I would share with you the five things, mindsets, which I believe it takes to truly have it. As you read these rate yourself: how strong is your mindset?
- You must know your purpose. Your WHY. WHY is more than “pay my bills” or “feed my family.” WHY is about your calling, what put you on this earth. Most entrepreneurs I work with have this part. They know their true calling, their purpose for being here. YAY! We got this part. What else does it take to have strong desire?
- There can only be Plan A. Your purpose, your organized knowledge must be your primary focus EVERY Now, I get it, some of you are completely afraid to quit Plan B and just go for it. If that’s true though, Plan A is where your energy and effort is every day. Your desire to make it successful overrides “tired”, “not enough time”, and other responsibilities. Having strong desire means you will (not must) spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day, every day on Plan A.
- You have to believe with everything in you that you deserve success. Yes, I have talked about the fear of success before. If somewhere in you, you don’t think you deserve it, your desire isn’t strong enough. And I am planning MORE on this….coming soon, so stay tuned!
- You know that there are parts of creating business success that you have to shift your thinking about (negative autosuggestion) because they are necessary for your business to thrive. For example, marketing, budgeting, speaking, sales…not necessarily your purpose huh? But necessary if you want that purpose to make money! I recently heard a woman call that stuff “mundane” (negative autosuggestion.) I have heard others say they hate it, or it’s a necessary evil. Those negative autosuggestions will DRAIN DESIRE. Shift your language around them.
For example, I have such strong desire to achieve success that I see all of those things as a blessing, an opportunity, and the catalyst to being what I am meant to be in the world. It is so much easier to do those things when you shift your thinking.
- Fifth, and probably most important. My epiphany from Women, Wine and Wisdom that I mentioned in my previous blog. You have to be willing to NEVER SETTLE. Strong desire requires this. When you settle, the energy of “it’s good enough” destroys desire.
Now this is important: never settle isn’t about self-worth. It isn’t beating up on yourself. Never settle isn’t about perfectionism. Perfectionists fail to LEAP. People with a never settle mind set leap all the time. They do one simple concept I am known for:
Be at 10 then raise the bar and be a 10 again.
The concept of never settle means you are continuously looking at what you so passionately do and wanting it to be better. You are always asking yourself, what went well with….my marketing, presentation, blog post, webinar? What can be better next time?
These are the 5 things it takes to have strong desire. And you know what? It will be true for all areas of your life. This mindset applies to relationship success too. If you want a powerful, loving, amazing relationship you can never think “it’s good enough”. The desire to make it better (never good enough) will keep you from settling, will make sure you contribute, will encourage you to get what you need.
Build desire to grow rich. That’s what Napoleon Hill says. These 5 things are truly what separates me from others who struggle. Where did you rate yourself?
by Ann Evanston | May 13, 2015 | Mental Mind Shifts
Having self-worth doesn’t mean you are never afraid. Most people have moments of confidence and moments of fear. What separates someone with strong self-worth from someone who does not have it is how they handle those moments of fear.
When you have strong self-worth confidence wins more often than fear. When you struggle with your self-worth fear can become consuming mentally and emotionally. Fear can paralyze you from leaping. Fear can turn into scared and then there’s no movement whatsoever. Fear can stop you from asking for what you deserve.
[Tweet “Fear can stop you from achieving your unlimited space and potential.”]
Having a strong vision of self will help to develop your worth so that when fear comes on you are able to choose confidence instead of the fear. You have a belief in yourself and your abilities to achieve what you need to do. You will no longer be afraid of the negative people that will surface, or those that will challenge your expertise.
It’s so much more than the “job”
This is why vision of self is one of the most important frames of a healthy Bad-Assery business. Some people think that running a business is all about “doing the job.” But it’s so much more than that. YOU make your business. So working on self matters.
by Ann Evanston | May 6, 2015 | Mental Mind Shifts, Transcendence
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” Carl Rogers
I have written before about the importance of learning acceptance versus always having to understand why . But that acceptance, which is important to self-worth, was more about accepting actions and behaviors of others and situations you may not have control over. This quote from Carl Rogers is about fully accepting yourself.
I’m sure I’ve said this to you before but, in case you haven’t heard it or read it, I’m going to say it again!
[Tweet “”When you stand completely alone and naked, in front of the mirror, with just the thoughts in your head, what do you say?””]
Can you stand there in full acceptance?
Acceptance is the cornerstone to a powerful self-worth. Self-worth is the first of the five frames of the healthy bad-assery business that I work on with clients. I find that most
people have a brilliant business concept. Most entrepreneurs know what they’re supposed to contribute to the world. Yet they get in their own way.
Here is a simple example:
Charging a price point and owning a price point begins with acceptance of
yourself. Once you can fully accept you, you’ll be able to charge that price
point with confidence and own it
Do you have something you struggle achieving because you need to work on acceptance of self to be able to change it?