Embracing your Shadow
Once a month, I run a Meetup that is focused on women entrepreneurs. It is a special place, because we “MasterMind”. (I LOVE MasterMind, you know that correct?!) There are two different events, one based more on your work and the other based more on the person you are. I personally think they are deply connected.
I intuitively channel a question for the group, and sometimes I am compelled to write about the topic of the Meetup. At Women Wine and Wisdom, I asked a specific personal question that we each answer in the room. The question was “what is your shadow, the demon voice that you deal with in your life?” Answers ranged greatly from; control, perfectionism, understanding and knowing their value, not seeing their value, being lazy, to having a mean voice! Each woman shared about her shadow, that voice in her head and her she battle with it in her life and success.
At the end of Mastermind round I ask women; what did they notice about the answers? What did they take away from it? Sometimes that’s too deep of a question right in that moment! We really get REAL and RAW and share in a special way (not a place for people who like to fake PERFECT!) Usually I have something compelling and powerful to say…this time I didn’t.
I woke up the next day realizing there was something quite amazing in the discussion.
What I realized is that if we don’t learn to embrace our shadows we actually struggle more in life. It isn’t about making them go away it’s about learning how to know utilize, understand, and embrace them.
For me this is absolutely true. Do you embrace the shadow, the dark, demon side of yourself? Or ignore it?