Nurturing Self: an Act of Self-Love

Nurturing Self: an Act of Self-Love

I love spending time in my garden digging in the dirt. Breathing in the gorgeous smells, even of the dirt! Noticing my beautiful flowers in bloom. The Freesia are starting to pop this time of year. My mustard greens are huge!

My garden is deeply spiritual for me. Not only because it feeds us, as I frequently share on social media.

My garden feeds my soul, it calms my energy. It is source.

It is where I draw strength so that I have energy to do more and be more in the world. Most wouldn’t know this of me when I speak, but I am an introvert. And my garden is where I draw energy, get my mind right, set intention. It allows me to be the best me I can be in my work. It is where I vibrate self-love.

How do you nurture yourself?

Quit Taking it Personally

Quit Taking it Personally

Ouch. Hard one. I can hear some of you now: “But Ann, it IS personal.”
Is it? Really? Why? Because they said it about you? Even to your face?
Isn’t it about them? Their integrity, their values, their way of being in the world? Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t let them rent space in our hearts and minds?
It is possible. Quite do-able even. It starts with loving yourself enough. Knowing yourself enough. Believing in yourself enough. What if you became a person that wasn’t offended anymore? How would that feel?
Discover Self-Esteem: the First Step to Self-Love

Discover Self-Esteem: the First Step to Self-Love

The journey to Self-Love is more like an onion, understanding the layers of “self” that strengthen YOU. Self-esteem is the inner core. Self-Love is the outer layer. I know that makes no sense, lol, but run with it for now!

Self-Esteem is where it all starts, it’s the seed you are actualizing, loving and BEing the best you in any situation. Self-Esteem, most simply defined , is the relationship you have with YOU. It is how you think and feel about yourself. It is being able to know and like YOU.

The key to Discovering your Self-Esteem is to know who you are….not what you do, or the roles you play. Who you are you take into those other things. And, when you can do that with peace and happiness….show up as you, you have Self-Esteem.

Do you know you? Is she present in all you do?

Whose Story are You Hanging Onto?

Whose Story are You Hanging Onto?

In my book, The Influence Factor, I speak to an essential element regarding “knowing your truth.” It is so important that were able to look back at stories in our lives and how we allow other peoples versions of life to become ours. On a deep psychological level, we can embed them as our truth, without recognizing it is happening.

I remember at my Women’s Self-Love Evolution Retreat discussing relationships. The beautiful thing about the women who join me as we create a space where judgment isn’t necessary. This allows us to discuss stories, and change them.

So in discussion we learned that many of us has a different “type” of intimate relationship or partnership, from the traditional story we are told as girls. I shared that it’s really important to know your truth about the kind of relationship that matters to you. Too often we as women are told that getting married and having babies is the right adult relationship. Too often we as women are told that if we don’t do that that there must be something wrong with us.

This was freeing for other women to think that they can write their own.

Who’s story are you hanging onto? Is it really yours? Did you have a negative experience that you converted into a truth and now it keeps happening in your life? Have you asked yourself if this is what you want for you?

Career choices, body image, even your own self love. I even just rewrote a story about “girls are mean!” My first tip with clients is asking them to sit down and draw out the timeline. By doing so you can reflect on where those truths might be coming from. The next step is the harder part. You have to change the story. And that begins by knowing what YOU really want.

You Can Choose Love

You Can Choose Love

Love is a choice you can choose to love and be loved. To be a loving person. Love requires you make choices. The choice to be committed. To communicate. To be vulnerable. To sacrifice emotional safety.

Oh shit.

Yes, the greatest love is experienced when you risk being hurt. Betrayed. Let down. Disappointed.

Well fuck, THAT doesn’t sound like love.

It is. The more we guard and protect our hearts the harder it is to open up to love. Even receiving it.

I know some of you are saying: “ I will Ann, I am ready. When the RIGHT GUY comes along. The perfect guy.”

He doesn’t exist. No, Earl isn’t perfect! That’s also why I say find happy and then choose to love. ❤️

Self-love And Your Body

Self-love And Your Body

Have you learned to love yourself enough to find your face, hands, feet, ah…your NAKED body….beautiful? Sexy? Strong? Powerful? A temple?

Are you proud of your curves, bumps, lines and wrinkles? Your color and tone, your hair and freckles? Have you taken the time to undress, completely, in the light, and LOOK at your body with love and acceptance?

I work VERY hard on this. Being raised by a culture that thinks skinny and big boobs is beautiful, I thought that was the deal. Well, I am not that. Big boobs, yes, lol, but there’s way more to my body. I admire my sister and aunties and the culture I married into. They love their bodies, all shapes and sizes. And they show it off!

And no, a woman isn’t wounded when she shows off her body…she just loves it! And that strengthens self-love.