by Ann Evanston | Aug 1, 2017 | Warrior Spirit
A great friend and colleague, Jennifer Urezzio, runs a Facebook group called “Spiritual Renegades”, and she recently asked us what that phrase meant to us. Here is my response:
I am a spiritual renegade first and foremost because my soul, my heart, my connection to deeper meaning guides me always. No one, or thing, or institute can tell me what is “right for me”. I am also a spiritual renegade because I DO NOT like being told what do to or HOW to do it! (lol ) Even when I take a class and the leader says: “close your eyes and breathe” …..well if you are a spiritual renegade you KNOW my first thought! “Hell no! I will not close my eyes and breathe!!!!” hmmmmm…
See spiritual renegades, what I have called Warrior-Preneurs, have a spark of individuality and rebellion. It takes great courage to be one. It takes deep love and respect for others who are not. It requires strong self worth. It needs the power of patience.
[Tweet “Individuality and Rebellion are characteristics of Warrior-Preneur!”]
Spiritual Renegades have often always been rule breakers (or benders….) even when little. They have always known they were different. And they have worked on themselves to keep that spirit alive in them. Hats off to you!
by Ann Evanston | May 12, 2017 | Warrior Spirit
The journey to branding the Warrior-Preneur has become as powerful a part of who I am, as it is a part of my amazing clients and fans. My whole life as been a battle, in many ways, but it wasn’t until I realized that what is happening “out there”, outside of me…I cannot control, the only real battle is inside me.
My world changed. I was no longer a victim of circumstances; I was no longer angry. (Yes, I even went through the “mad at the world stage” and when people would ask, why are you angry? Of course you know my response! “I’m not angry!” Some of you know that angry…the angry when you don’t know you are! Anyway, I digress.
See, when I became the Warrior that fought the internal battles with great courage, even in times of fear, I was able to truly step into my power. To no longer feel alone. To not worry about judgement.
The sword, my Japanese Katana become the symbol. My husband gave me a gorgeous one as a gift. There is glorious meaning behind it, so relevant to what we go through, here is my blog about it. In 2015 I had a vision of me fully undressed, with my sword tattooed on my back. I have never had a tattoo, although Earl has many! I knew in that moment I wanted it. We finished it in 2016. Another step in becoming me.
[Tweet “Fully awaken the sensuality of who you are”]
That led to another internal battle. Learning to be loving of myself and my body, how I am aging, seeing beautiful- turning off the critic. No Photoshop of my pictures to make me a size eight!
Preneur comes from the Latin, prendes, which means to understand, grasp, or capture. As Warriors that is our journey… understanding ourselves greater; grasping on with confidence even in times of fear; capturing the love, happiness, lives and careers we choose. Fully awakening the sensuality of who we are. Connecting with all of us. That is why I work with women to achieve just that. And yes you deserve it.
Take advantage of my book, now free as the e-version!
by Ann Evanston | Sep 20, 2016 | Business Strategy, Mental Mind Shifts, Warrior Spirit
Is it possible to overcome writers block in just these simple steps! I have been discussing The Warriors Method™ and how to use it to overcome writers block. In this last article let’s talk about the third step: take new authentic action.
You might be thinking: “Action, really Ann? I take action all the time!”
See, there is a distinct difference between action and being “busy”. And this is key to being able to achieve things that you desire. Action is a discipline that is directed energetically towards achieving what needs to be done. Be car
eful of busy!
Action actually requires courage because you have to be able to put your ego, comfort zone, and routine in danger! True courage is the ability to do something despite what your “blabber brain” says. True courage is the ability to get into the habit of taking action even when you don’t want to. True courage is the ability to do it even when you feel fear.
[Tweet “Action, true disciplined action towards a goal, actually creates motivation and passion!”]
It allows you to emerge with greater confidence. Too many think you need motivation first. No, it’s the other way around.
So in The Warriors Method™ the step taking “new authentic action” requires that you act with persistence and deliberation. There are three ways I encourage my clients to start:
1. Implement an “action plan” that creates some discomfort.
See pain is good, if not permanent! We get better, stronger, and more confident in our abilities the more uncomfortable we get. This is powerful when you are so stuck in simply cannot get out of it. Do you have a morning routine that is not serving your ability to write more? Than stop having that coffee until you write for 20-30 minutes! Now that’s uncomfortable!
2. Act before doing something you love.
This one powerfully and simply changed one clients blogging forever. She would continuously say: “I have nothing to write about.” Her blabber brain was not allowing her to overcome writers block. She’s a creative who LOVES to paint. So what did she do? Wrote every day BEFORE she could paint. Painting became the reward. Now she writes amazing blog posts for her tribe!
3. Take action before doing any more research!
Many, many entrepreneurs I meet are research junkies. Rightfully so. In many ways you have to love to learn new things to be successful as an entrepreneur.
Too often we think we need to read one more article, or take one more webinar before we initiate the action.
This routine will help you change that. Tell yourself “I cannot read any more about overcoming writers block until I have written something today.”
“The Warriors Method™ is a simple powerful tool to help you achieve greater success in many areas of your life, including when you need to overcome writers block. Interestingly, I used this method to not just write this series of 4 blogs, but my contributor article as well! NICE! (Time for a glass of wine…something I love!
by Ann Evanston | Sep 13, 2016 | Business Strategy, Mental Mind Shifts, Warrior Spirit
I have been writing about how to overcome writers block using the Warriors Method™. The Warriors Method™ is a new way to look at achieving greater levels of success. While sharing how to overcome writers block and these steps, I’ve missed a couple weeks posting my blog. (Truth) Notice I practiced step one there! This article though is about step two of the Warriors Method™ and how it applies to overcome writers block.
The second step in the method is to practice conscious auto suggestion. Here is our reality: we all have a “blabber brain”, what some call monkey mind. Research shows that it’s trained to think in the negative from early on in our lives. And, by the time we’re well over our 30s (congratulations to you reading that are under 30, you can still change this!), it’s difficult to change subconscious mind thoughts. That means we have to override it consciously. The subconscious mind is ALWAYS talking….even if you are not listening. And it is powerful enough to set energy, and ability to achieve, or better yet, not achieve, that which you desire.
Your conscious mind is the ONLY way to shift that. Step two: conscious auto suggestion.
When I work with clients I teach them that they must become “conscious conduits of energy”. The Warriors Method™ can be used in all areas of your life, overcoming writers block is just an example that happened to me. You may recall from the first post I am now a contributing writer to Small Business Marketing Tools. And as soon as I was accepted, blabber brain kicked in!
Practicing conscious auto suggestion is a way of overriding the habit of your subconscious mind. It is a methodology that successful people use to consciously move energy in a positive direction. So instead of listening to my blabber brain say: “OMG, I have nothing to write about what the hell was I thinking?!”, I made a conscious shift.
I said to myself: “I am full of valuable ideas and content to offer many people. I have a unique style, and my approach will attract readers. I am full of ease and fun ideas on marketing. I am writing with grace and ease.”
I want you to notice the type of language I’m using there. The language isn’t about what I will do it’s about who I will be. That is a distinct difference in owning and changing so that you can overcome challenges you have. It’s the difference between will and have (or want). I will save that for another time.
by Ann Evanston | Aug 16, 2016 | Business Strategy, Warrior Spirit
OMG! I need to write! Have you ever felt this before? I’m sure as a service-based entrepreneur you probably have. In 2007, I started saying: “if you do one thing….BLOG!” now it’s “if you do one thing publish! Writing is powerful. I have my clients do it for so many reasons. Publishing what you write online is critical these days. Publishing:
- Establishes is your expertise;
- Drives (organic) traffic;
- Improves visibility;
- Increases exposure to new potential leads and prospects;
- Influences the “know, like and trust factor “in a positive way
Recently, I told my accountability partner that I needed to be more visible. I have been focused on “my work” and not my marketing. Right on the call she made me set some goals to hold me accountable to! (Great accountability partner!) Of course I have been achieving those goals, and one of them was to become a guest contributor on a popular site. This week I heard that I have been excepted and now that means I need to write a minimum of one article for the website every other month! BOOM!
“OK, one 600-word article every other month. No. Big. Deal.”
And then, my mind fades to black.
I’ve. Got. Nothing!
And then “blabber brain” starts. You know blabber brain, also known as monkey mind or negative self-talk? I can hear it in the background: “I have nothing to write about! What was I thinking signing up for something like this? I must be out of my mind! I have nothing that people want to read!”
Blabber brain is so destructive. I spend a lot of time talking with my clients about how to deal with the mindsets that can shut down your success. Here’s the first thing you need to know: You cannot make that voice stop. It is ingrained in you and you have trained it for a long time to be there. The “blabber brain” the self-talk will never, ever go away.
I teach a method I developed while earning my graduate degree in psychology about how you “train your mind to change your life and business.” This is a conscious connection. If blabber brain will never go away, we have to have a conscious process to overcome what it does to us. You can OVERRIDE blabber brain with conscious autosuggestion. Temporarily, in situations like I share here, and in creating long term “success” habit.
I am going to use this story to teach you what I call “The Warriors Method™” to do this. Right now I’m just going to give you the three basic steps and over the next few weeks in this series of blogs I will show you how this overwhelming situation became a success because I am using this method to get there.
The Warriors method in three simple steps is:
- Speak the truth…..not be honest
- Practice powerful conscious autosuggestion
- Take new authentic action
Stop by next week as we look at the first step and why honesty and truth are different. And what I did to get the article written!
I would love if you would share this post or leave a comment!
by Ann Evanston | May 10, 2016 | Warrior Spirit
Being a Warrior has nothing to do with fighting others. This is the single biggest incorrect assumption about being a Warrior. It is an assumption of those that have not studied or read about great Warriors or books like “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu. The work of a Warrior is an internal battle: fear, shadows, assumptions, and judgements…to name a few, are the “enemies” we face.
I have written before about these things, it seems time to dig deeper within again. Some may recall my blog on “Why a Sword” – it will share with you the deep symbolization and meaning behind a sword, something held true for many centuries in multiple cultures…check it out too.
As you read deeper you’ll notice conquest or fight are NEVER used in my work. Because great Warriors are not trying to conquer. They are working to understand themselves, their triggers, fears and insecurities, so when faced with them, they are ready. They understand. They see clearly and no longer fall into their traps. There are several things that demonstrate you are a Warrior:
- All Great Warriors have an internal battle. I do, so do my clients. My biggest internal battle is not feeling wanted or accepted. I battle it every day. I often LOOK FOR places where I think I am not accepted, and challenge what I see or hear.
- All Great Warriors create a path that often isn’t understood immediately and effortlessly. They somehow know, deep within that they are on a journey that is meant for the greater good. They are often on the path but cannot clearly see the “light”, the calling if you will. I am always thinking I know what that greater good is, but there are so many things I could stand up for, I end up on paths where I lose my mission, my purpose if you will.
- All Great Warriors build the ability to not just do but be. This requires that they challenge the need to “produce”, to complete a “to-do list” and allow themselves to step into who they really are. The battle again is within. Being able to turn off the outside noise and influences challenges me every day.
- All Great Warriors know that their battles disguise themselves in ways to challenge their character when most needed. Character, knowing what you value, and being able to demonstrate it even in the toughest times, is ultimately what it’s about.
Lastly, it’s important to realize that you are a GREAT Warrior if you have been challenged in your life, picked on, told you couldn’t do or achieve something, moved past obstacles or lost someone you loved and adored…and you came out the other side a better person, more loving and giving. That ability to open yourself up, when the challenges make it so easy to want to shut down, close off, be less vulnerable…THAT is the Warrior spirit.
So you got this Great Warrior. You got this.