Ordinarily Extraordinary Women Who Inspire: Julieanne Case
My vision to bring and inspire 1 million women, women who are “ordinarily extraordinary” begins with someone I simply adore!
I asked Julieanne to answer some questions for me, in her words. My hope is you hear her heart and spirit and are inspired.
What part of your life did you once assume was ordinary that you have found inspires others?
Julieanne: “This may make you laugh. I originally got on facebook to keep in touch with the grandchildren. Then Facebook morphed and I began to use it for connecting and business. Ordinary, right? Then I began to share what touches me deeply, favorites quotes, things I’ve learned, wonderful photos with great quotes. My discoveries of things on my journey. I get lots of quotes and photos and see lots of them but I choose only a few. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are deep and sometimes they ring so true, I wonder why the bells aren’t tolling! Others do this too, ordinary like everyone else. Then I went to a networking function one day and one woman was so excited to meet me. She said that I had no idea how much she looks forward to what I post. It makes her feel good and she loves that I do inspirational items and mix it up with some humor too. Then it happened with another at another meeting and it’s continued. Sometimes what they say to me blows me away. I want to say I’m not who they think I am, I can’t be all that. I’m learning to say thank you instead. But that little ordinary thing of sharing what touches me has created extraordinary responses.”
What is one of the most important lessons you have learned in life?
Julieanne: “That my life is my doing. No one outside of me can take any credit or any blame. I blamed everyone for anything that I didn’t like in my life for many, many years. I took no responsibility for the unsavory. I was only willing to take responsibility for the good that happened. If it was bad, it was someone’s fault, mostly my mother’s with some others thrown in the mix.”
As I shared in the video, Julieanne not only practices this in her own life, but with others as well. Who are you and what to do you?
Julieanne: “I am trained in Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection and I love doing sessions with people. These sessions are transformative on so many levels and some of the results may not be seen right away and other times they are dramatic. It is all based on the individual and where they are in their life. I love taking photographs to capture the beauty of life too. I love to cook, gourmet organic food, dance, talk, sit and be still, watch the ocean and listen to the ocean. ”
Ordinarily extraordinary right? What inspires you about Julieanne?
She can be found at: http://www.facebook.com/julieanne.case Twitter: @julieannecase http://TheReconnectiveHighway.com Blog http://julieannecasefromtheheart.com Email: julieannecase@gmail.com
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”