Solutions for Women Stepping

in to Their Personal Power

Dear Strong, Powerful, Loving Woman:


You, powerful woman I am betting, have a great life. You have a career, you are loved. You are great at putting on those “big girl pants” and doing what a strong woman does -> make shit happen.

But….something is missing. Some. Little. Thing.

You are damn independent and not afraid to go it alone. You wait for no one. You are a doer. Doing, checking, busy, successful…strong.

And still something is missing. Some little thing. And you know as a strong woman you want It in your life!

You also know that doesn’t mean quitting your job. Or leaving your spouse…. or kids.

Well…… maybe LOL

It means finding a way to live fully.



  *   Live Intensives   *   Experiential Learning      *  Provocative Discussions

Get your tickets for July 17-20, 2025 Now!

Can’t make July? Ask about January 22-25, 2026 and book today!

Tickets are going fast, so don’t delay.

 Buy your ticket now or contact Ann and place a deposit to guarantee your place.


The Evolution of Self-Love #IRL is a retreat designed to show you how to unlearn, reconnect & VIBE anytime, anywhere!

There is something transformational about coming together with other women who have arrived. Women who are successful, confident, and know themselves. Women who don’t have to worry about what they say or how they say it because they are in a room with women who do not get easily offended!

There is something incredibly loving about spending three days with women like that that allow you to explore parts of yourself in new and interesting ways. When you can actually focus on you and not have to worry about others in the room because they can take care of themselves.

“Everyone who can relate to this should go to one of Ann’s Women’s Retreats. That is one place I feel more SEEN than any place else.” Sherry P.

The Self-Love Evolution Retreat is for every woman ready for change. You are a woman who:

✓ knows she has unlimited potential and desire to lean in and become HER;

✓ wants to empower her ability to speak up, be heard and feel confident doing so in any relationship, professionally or personally;

✓ needs to get “unstuck” and find (maybe she’s just lost in the daily grind?)  the strong, powerful, loving woman inside that approaches situations with grace and ease;

✓ aspires to step into a space filled with positive energy and collaboration supporting other women’s successes as well;

✓ longs to build networks and relationships that truly support her success, energy, and influence;

✓ desires to consciously connect and express the fullness and roundness that is the sensual woman–without guilt or recourse;

✓ knows it’s time to see greater meaning, balance and energy in all areas of your life. Not just parts.

“If you want to reveal true self, and overcome obstacles in your life to become the woman you deep down know you are, the Self-Love Evolution Retreat is for you!” Kerry H.

This retreat will be at an exclusive home in California!

Communal in style….

 …for fabulous connection, learning and and transcending!

(location address/directions sent to ticket holders as this is a private home)


I always choose a home I personally love. I want you to feel connected to the group, open to receiving, comfortable being yourself, and cared for as you grow! 


A retreat designed to immerse in reconnecting authentically, powerfully, lovingly… with YOU

  • open space, indoors and outdoors, to reflect and grow
  • communal and together to learn and challenge one another
  • full of laughter and tears as you step into the next best part of your self
  • fun and food (and some cocktails and wine!) all with amazing women upleveling success like you!

Step into your feminine power on Saturday with  energizing activities that explore your sensuality as a woman!

Overcome beliefs you have about it that stop you from FULLY living in your life and career!

*Pictures represent past Retreat locations Ann has loved and examples of the food participants enjoy. Retreat locations are selected based on ticket sales.

“For me her Self-Love Evolution Retreat got even better. As a very busy woman who has been looking for a group of powerful, independent, liked-minded women, I am amazed at the deep relationships I created with the other participants at retreat.”  Lisa G.

Throughout these three days and four nights you will dive deeper and more beautifully into:

  • what success means for YOU;
  • how to communicate and speak up effectively;
  • setting healthy boundaries in relationships, personally and professionally;
  • understanding the balance of feminine and masculine for greater success;
  • developing your influential, authentic voice;
  • what it means to truly love you, all of you;
  • where your growth is at in the “Self-Love Evolution” ®
  • and much more

The basic agenda:

  • Thursday we begin at 4pm. Arrive and meet, connect and bond over snacks or a light meal with Ann and the other women!

  • Friday – open; learn and grow; powerful MasterMind and activities. Connection, discovery, abundance and food.

  • Saturday –A day to tap into YOU and nurturing the feminine that you are! (oh and food, so much food!)

  • Sunday – closing ritual after dinner to move and change your life (It is recommended you leave Monday morning so you do not miss this amazing evening! Yes, your stay is included in the rate!) and much more

“Ann, I wanted to let you know how impactful your Self-Love Evolution Retreat was to the “Queen” I brought and I. We talked all the way home about it, the changes we have made, are going to make, and plans on how to get there.”  Erin B.

There are 5 ways to experience this amazing event. One is bound to be right for you.

You are reserving your spot for July 17-21, 2025. Don't delay - this event sells out FAST!

*** EarlyBird prices available when you register before March 1, 2025 ***

Can't make July? Contact Ann to reserve your spot for January 22-25, 2026 Now!!

Due to the nature of renting a home large enough for all ticket buyers, there are absolutely no refunds.

Need a payment plan? Contact Ann for details

Still have questions?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions


“Ann, the time I spent with you at “The Women’s Self-Love Evolution Retreat” August 2018 was incredibly healing. I walked away feeling renewed because the weight of my burden had finally been lifted. I was no longer in bondage. I was free…finally FREE. Your intuitiveness and masterful skills during your experiential learning sessions created a safe place for me to be my authentic self. I could express myself and be vulnerable—a birthplace where love grows and flourishes. The whole weekend I was engaged in various activities that led me through a deeper understanding of the five levels of self-love—the essence of your Self-Love Evolution.

Lady, you lead with compassion and facilitate with such grace. You promote personal growth as well as spiritual healing. I loved every moment at your retreat. Being a part of a community of women sharing a beautiful home, afforded me opportunities to develop lasting friendships. I can’t thank you enough for the significant impact you played in my personal journey of transformation in becoming a brave, courageous, strong woman. Thank you. I look forward to next year’s retreat!”   Karlyn DW